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Project: Flickr Slideshow (for iOS)

Enjoy your most precious moments wherever you are

Project: Flickr Slideshow icon

Turn your iPhone or iPod touch into a beautiful Flickr-based photo frame. Always enjoy your most memorable moments, wheather you are at the office taking a break, travelling or in the company of your closest friends. Flickr Slideshow displays an animated slideshow of your own photos, your contacts', or the community provided content for your daily dose of photographic beauty.

  • Awesome opensource project: ObjectiveFlickr

  • Programming: Florin Dumitrescu

  • App Store Icon: Iulia Marian

  • In Application Icons: Joseph Wain / glyphish.com

  • Beta testing: Neo, Andrei, Vlad

  • Trailer Photos Copyright: Vlad Voinea & Flickr members

  • an animated slideshow of your photo collections

  • photos displayed in full screen mode regardless of their orientation

  • optional digital clock and calendar overlaying the slideshow

  • support for any device orientation during animation

  • content caching for reducing bandwidth usage

  • iPhone or iPod touch

  • iPhone OS 2.2.1 or later

  • WiFi or EDGE/3G mobile Internet connection

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